Friday, September 19, 2008

Free Artemis Woman Nail Catcher

It's great to find other websites talking about our products. And as I thought, there are lots of unsettling stories out there on how people clip their nails or what they do with the clippings.
Just this week I found this on Alyse's website

"When I clip my nails, I generally do it carefully so I can easily collect all the clippings. Easily one of the most disgusting things is to step on an errant nail clipping. Mr. Spork, like any typical guy, does not seem to worry about this, leading to some unpleasant discoveries and unpleasant conversations..."

I think Alyse is a pretty smart lady for getting the Artemis Woman Nail Catcher! Visit her website, there's some really good stuff on it! What do you do with your nail clippings? Tell us and get a FREE Artemis Woman Nail Catcher.